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Academician Mykola Yakovlevich Spivak spoke about the development of a subunit vaccine

On June 9, 2021, under the chairmanship of the President of the NAS of Ukraine, Academician Anatoliy Zagorodny, a regular meeting of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine was held by video conference. Academician Mykola Yakovlevich Spivak, Chairman of the Board of Shareholders of DIAPROF-MED, spoke about the work of scientists at the DK Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology as part of the private research and production company Diaprof-Med of the Ukrainian-American consortium System DiaP. (Atlanta, USA), where they are developing a subunit vaccine based on the N-protein of the nucleocapsid virus. According to the speaker, pre-clinical trials of the vaccine prototype have already been completed and it is now planned to organize in Ukraine the production of several thousand doses of vaccines for the beginning of the first and second phases of clinical trials.

Sincerely, Diaprof-Med team!

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